About Gemma

Gemma Bartoszek, born February 21st The Netherlands descendant from an artistic family, is from childhood on passionately involved in art.  After a career at top design office Bartoszek Design she’s devoting herself nowadays to projects that connect art and people in a unique way.

In a globalising world, that is getting smaller because of immense technological possibilities, people on the contrary are drifting further apart. Art can play a role to unite different cultures again.

As Gemma Bartoszek puts it in her own words:

“I strongly believe that in this rapidly changing world connecting people from different
cultural & ethnic backgrounds is an utmost important social and also political target.

Art can play a crucial role in it.

In spite of all our differences, we do have some universal aims in common:
we all want to be happy, healthy, stay positive and prosperous… enjoying our families and friends, both in good and bad times.

Art can help us become open minded towards people from different social and cultural backgrounds. By looking to the world through the eyes of artists we get a different, more open minded and more positive view on the world and its inhabitants

My personal mission is to contribute to this ideal by connecting art and people.
Art is for me part of our wellbeing, it will give emotions, passion, happiness.
To connect arts & people in projects is my target.

Or, as John Keats stated in famous Endymion:
‘A thing of beauty is a joy forever’